So, If you haven't figured out I've been here about 16 days. So, far it's been amazing and I've met all kinds of people weird, funny, big, small, from all over the United States, Mexico, PR, South Africa, and France. Not to mention all the guest I've served from around the world. I don't really have enough time to write the bog I wanted to write but I wanted to stop in and just say Hi.
I also realized I never told you where I'm working, etc. So, I'm working at Typhoon Lagoon (means free waterpark access for me....just saying) in QSFB. I got trained at almost all the locations around the park for QS and it was lots fun to see the different areas. Now moving on to livin, I live in a 3 Bedroom in Patterson Court with 5 other girls. Christeen is my direct roommate as planned, and then there one more pre-matched pair via disney roommate matching, and one more that didn't know each other until they got here. Essentially we used all three methods of getting a roommates and everyone seems to get along. There four of us who have gotten pretty close and spend the time hanging out. But, every once in a while there all 6 of around. I know you hear you don't see your roommate/s but we have the thing is planning whether it's a two hour excursion to Hollywood studios a trip to wal-mart, or just watching a movie make the effort if you guys really click. At the same time you will have times your the only one here and trust me it's VERY nice. Especially if it's like after work.
That's all for now. Add me on facebook check out the picture.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Posted by Katie at 10:43 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
I'm not in Orlando.
So I got to Orlando around dinner time today. We went to 1900 Park Fare @ the Grand Floridian. It was amazing and was really the first time I had ever been inside it and outside. The down side to me is that the pools weren't anything to special. But, the inside of course was gorgeous. Anyways we got back and went swimming at our hotel, we're staying at the Holiday Inn and Sunspree we also found Vista Way by mistake, but at least we know where were going Wednesday. Tomorrow. I think we're going to go hang out in EPCOT and go to dinner in Germany. Well, anyone checking in on the 19th see you at check in, everyone else see you when you get here.
P.S. Check out my facebook for photos of my trip.
Posted by Katie at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Bags Packed...Checked...Car Packed....Checked
Hey Guys,
So I wanted to give you the 411 on the last bit of my time at home pre-Disney. I leave in appoximentoy 18 hours. I'm so excited, so nervous, happy, and sad. A little bit of mix emotions. But, I know once I get there everything is going to be amazing. I'm also going to have an awesome time on my trip down with my dad. We're leaving tomorrow at like 6am. Then driving, we're gonna stop at the ocean a few times. Like twice once in like NC/SC and once in Florida. My check in is on Wednesday.
I'm one load of laundry away from being packed. Actually I would have been done but tonnight I'm gonna do a load with the clothes, I'm wearing now. I have no intention of sleeping tonight because my best friends coming over around 9PM and because I have to be in the car by 6am....I think we're gonna watch some Movies, hang out, maybe play some games. So, eventually my plan is to put on my traveling clothes and just hang out in them. I'll prolly take a shower at some random hour of the night too.
The last thing to do before my friend gets here is clean my room. Well I think I'm gonna eat some lunch first though...I'm not sure if I'll be able to access the internet before I get to Disney, if I do I'll give you an update. If I don't then I'll see you or update you in Disney!
Posted by Katie at 12:41 PM 1 comments
Labels: Disney, Packing, Pre-Disney
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day!
I just wanted to stop in quickly and say Happy Mothers Day to everyone, especially to the one I call Mom! We went to the Tulip Festival and a coffee shop and spent some time everyone ready for a nap.
At this time next week I will be driving in the car probably somewhere around Virgina by now maybe a little bit further about to check into a hotel for the first night. I'm hoping to convince my dad that we should go to some Beach on the 18th. Maybe Daytona or Cocoa. So we'll have to drive like 8 hours a day and then two hours the last.
But I'm getting so excited I can't wait to see EVERYONE!
Posted by Katie at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Blog Clean Out.
I cleaned out a lot of my old bogus Blog Entry and left only the good ones. lol. In preperation for Disney. I will be leaving so soon it's crazy but I'm so excited to get going!
Posted by Katie at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
3 weeks....or so.
In just about three week I will be packing my car and heading to Orlando with my daddy...or I will be arriving in Orlando. My dad's deciding if he's driving me down Monday and Tuesday or on the weekend and leaving me there yea. Aren't you glad we've planned this out.
At this point in time I'm about 90% packed there some things I can't pack until like the day before and I literally throw it in a bag and head out.
Posted by Katie at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Packing List Download for anyone who's interested...
I upload the list to the internet so anyone could download it... the link is
If it doesn't work for you or if you can't see it or something email me @ . I was going to look up people email addresses but decided this is way easier.
Posted by Katie at 2:58 AM 1 comments
Labels: Packing
Monday, March 29, 2010
51 days...
I don't really have anything to blog about but I have blogged in a few days...
I think though I somewhat officially have all 6 roommates. YEAH US! lol. So yea I'm very EXCITED.
I also don't know if anyone interested but I've made a pretty thorough packing/checklist thing on excel. If anyone looking for something as a base. I'd be happy to send it to you. I've been trying to run it pass different people and figure what i'm forgetting. Some of it's you don't NEED need but I've been thinking of everything you could potentially need. It's also pretty easy to edit. So yea message me if you want it.
Posted by Katie at 2:06 AM 6 comments
Labels: Packing
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Last book you read?
Does my text book Umm the last book I read for fun I think was I started the first twilight book. and i started the last Harry Potter book....I love to read but I just been reading tezt books like all the time. I also read a lot of magazines...I like to surf Wikipedia too, going from one article to the next I find it so amusing. My goal before disney is to get some good books...I know I want to get the Last Song, I almost got that around Christmas time but then didn't. But, I have a gift card to Barnes and Noble so Im gonna crash the book store before I leave cause Ill need something for the long drive.
Posted by Katie at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 28, 2010
80 Days!
So this is a random quick post. But today is 80 days. And, I've come to the conclusion that everytime you hit a "_0" number it'll seem like Disney a whole lot close! 80 days seems so much close than 84 or 89 days which indeed it is but it seems more closer than before! So, yea a better blog tomorrow. And, I'm working on an idea for vlog for someday soon.
Posted by Katie at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
My Answer from Disney
This has absolutely nothing to do with my acceptance to Disney or anything like that! My I had written Disney on Monday I believe for two different things. One was to request a work location. Like I've said I requested more than 1 location. They wrote back saying that they have recorded my request in my file and that as I already knew nothing is guaranteed. The Second thing was that I received two different pay rate; one in my email and one in my letter. They only differed my 10 cents but 10 cents is 10 cents. And, yes I will be getting the high one.
Posted by Katie at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: DCP, Disney, Payrate, Pre-Disney, QSFB
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Things You Can do or Buy Now For Florida
So I'm aware that anyone doing Fall Advantage the earliest Arrival date is still 83 days, which is 12 weeks away! So here is things you can do each week to get ready! Week 12: Go through your shoe collection! If you're like me you have a lot of shoes, but no NOT all can come to Florida! So I suggest going through your collection to see which ones are good/bad and if there's any you need to get. Remember some days it's going to rain so you'll prolly want more than one pair of sneakers…so you don't have to wear wet ones! Make sure you have casual dress shoes for the days you have to wear business casual Attire! Week 11: Go to your local Christmas tree shop! They always have a lot of stuff there that you could potentially use for your apartment such as: Dish Towels, Pot Holders, Storage Containers, and Spices…Besides Spices a lot of these won't matter if you have MORE than one in each apartment! Occasionally, they also have things like shower curtains, picture frames, and other stuff you may want or need for your apartment. Week 10: Sunscreen. Go buy yourself one or two things of sunscreen…unless you're flying because it might not be allowed on the flight, if you are make sure you put it on the list of things to get when you arrive. Week 9: Buy Socks, Dress Socks, and all those under clothes stuff! These you can easily but in the packages and keep to the side for when you go! If you have a k-mart buy you normally the first week of every month they have buy one get on half off on all this stuff! Lol. Week 8: Clean any Sheets, blankets, towels that are coming to Florida but, you don't need around your house! I wrote this before but here's what I suggest get 1 Beach Towel, 2 Regular Towels, 1 hand towel and wash cloth, 2 sets of sheets, one Blanket and Comforter, potentially you might want a third cover just in case! Week 7: Invest in your business Casual Wardrobe, If you don't have anything go and get it, if you have everything than your all set, But I also suggest packing it now, so one it's not forgotten and two it doesn't get ruined. To bring I suggest having 2-3 bottoms and 4-5 tops. You can interchange them and get about 15 different outfits out of them without repeating, if you're not taking classes 1-2 and 2-3 is what I suggest for the just in case factor. Week 6: Accessories! Well if you don't bring any jewelry, watches, hats, scarves, etc. You will not have them. So I suggest looking through you stuff and see what your need or want. Make sure to check the Disney Look Guide and Your Role Rules to see what jewelry is aloud while working! I know as QSFB I'm pretty much only aloud earrings (I suggest just getting some cute studs cause it's the easiest to stay in the code!) There are exceptions to the rules such as medical ids (might have to be worn on your ankle) and commitment rings but make sure you check your own letters! Week 5: Toiletries! If you're driving feel free to pick up shampoo, condition, hair spray, hair products, soap, or anything like that you need. You could wait to but this when you get down there but after a long day of moving in you might not want to go to the store but could use a hot shower! Week 4: Start cleaning and packing clothes that you will be bringing to Florida but don't need for the next little bit! What you need and how much depends on your particular style I would suggest seeing what you wear in one week and then packing according to what you use. Week 3: Buy anything you thing you might need but don't already have! You're night going to be wanting to go out shopping when you're getting down to the last week or two so get it over with now. Week 2: Finish PACKING. If you're done at the end of this week all you have to do is pack the car or load the car for the airport. Week 1: Find any documents you need, print your on boarding documents, say good bye to family and friends potentially you could have a dinner (you might get some cool stuff to bring with you!) Make sure you have the address of family and friends to send post card, pictures, and birthday cards. Or to just call when you miss home or them! Buy Double AA batteries! So that is what you should do or get over the next 12 weeks. You can slowly back your stuff or pack it as you buy it. These are just suggestions and make life easier if you don't wait to the last second!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
What is your QSFB dream location?
My dream QSFB if I could do absolutely anywhere I would say... Lottawatta Lodge it's in Blizzard Beach. I really kind of want to work in a waterpark...and if QSFB is the way I have to do then be It seems like a cool place to work. My Runner Up would prolly be Pizza Planet...actully that would prolly be my DREAM location but I don't want to get my hopes up. lol. I actully requested some locations and here's the other ones I put on my list:
-Peco's Bill Tall Tale Cafe
-Starring Rolls Cafe
-and the one I forgot the name of but it's the ice cream shop in MK. lol.
Posted by Katie at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Disney Dash
Okay so I stole this from the facebook group board....But I'm totally gonna get some friends and do this when we get down there maybe not for competive purpose but it would make an awesome scrap book. lol.
Disney Dash
Welcome to the Disney Dash. Teams of 3-6 will have one month to take the best photographs they can to get points. The teams will also have chances to create movies about the Disney Theme Park experience. Points will be distributed based on completion, competition, creativity, and amount of the team involved.
Let the magic begin!
1. The Team (Up to three points)
a. Create a team name (one point)
b. Express team name through a photograph (two points possible)
2. Specific items in the parks (Up to twenty-eight points)
a. Points vary by how much of team is in the picture
i. Photo in front of Cinderella’s castle (three points possible)
ii. Photo in front of Spaceship Earth (three points possible)
iii. Photo in front of The Tree of Life (three points possible)
iv. Photo in front of The Sorcerer’s Hat (three points possible)
v. Photo of a President in a Mickey Mouse tie (two points)
vi. Photo of Cinderella’s favorite horse (three points possible)
vii. Photo of Lady and the Tramp’s paw prints (two points)
viii. Photo trying to pull the sword from the stone (three points possible)
ix. Photo while you “sing in the rain” (three points possible)
x. Photo with Dino-Sue (three points possible)
3. Lets Be Creative (Up to seventeen points)
a. Photo in your favorite silly Disney hat (three points possible)
b. Photo of a live animal that is portrayed by a Disney character (two points possible)
c. Photo of a unique souvenir less than 10$ (four points possible)
d. Photo of Mickey’s face made from something unique (three points possible)
e. Photo that describes the essence of Disney World (five points possible)
4. Participation Counts (Up to ten points)
a. Get a caricature done and take a photo of it (three points)
b. Photo of being a Festival of the Lion King chosen participant (four points)
c. Try some Beverly at Club Cool and photograph the reaction (three points)
5. Those Crazy Tourists (Up to sixteen points)
a. Photo of a family dressed in the same outfits (three points)
b. Photo of a girl dressed up like a princess (two points)
c. Photo of a kid on a leash (three points)
d. Photo of a man in socks and sandals (two points)
e. Photo of someone being proposed to (four points)
f. Photo of someone wearing a giant fanny pack (two points)
6. Who Won? (Up to thirteen points)
a. Photo of the longest queue time for a ride (four points possible)
b. Photo of the most outrageously dressed guest you can find (five points possible)
c. Photo of your highest score at Buzz Lightyear (four points possible)
7. Ride the Rides (Up to ninety points)
a. Photographs of team members on the rides
i. Points are based on amount of team involved (see list later)
8. Where’s Mickey? (Up to one hundred forty-eight points)
a. Photographs of team members with characters
i. Points based on completion, amount of team involved, and rarity of character (see list later)
9. Let’s Make A Movie (Up to forty-five points)
a. Points are given for completion and creativity
i. Commercial for your favorite attraction (15 points possible)
ii. Two-minute version of your favorite Disney movie (15 points possible)
iii. What to do while waiting in a long line? (15 points possible)
Where’s Mickey characters
1. Aladdin (Two points possible)
2. Alice from Alice in Wonderland (Two points possible)
3. Ariel (Two points possible)
4. Aurora (Two points possible)
5. Baloo from The Jungle Book (Two points possible)
6. Beast (Three points possible) *
7. Belle (Two points possible)
8. Buzz Lightyear (Two points possible)
9. Captain Hook (Two points possible)
10. Chip ‘n’ Dale (Two points possible)
11. Cinderella (Two points possible)
12. Cruella De Vil (Four points possible) **
13. Daisy Duck (Two points possible)
14. Darkwing Duck (Four points possible) **
15. Darth Vader (Three points possible) *
16. Donald Duck (Two points possible)
17. Dopey (Three points possible) *
18. Eeyore (Two points possible)
19. Esmeralda (Four points possible) **
20. Fairy Godmother (Two points possible)
21. Flik from A Bug’s Life (Three points possible) *
22. Gaston (Four points possible) **
23. Genie (Three points possible) *
24. Goofy (Two points possible)
25. Jafar (Four points possible) **
26. Jasmine (Two points possible)
27. Jessie from Toy Story (Two points possible)
28. Jiminy Cricket (Two points possible)
29. Lilo (Two points possible)
30. Little John from Robin Hood (Four points possible) **
31. Mad Hatter (Two points possible)
32. Maleficent (Three points possible) *
33. Mary Poppins (Two points possible)
34. Mickey Mouse (Two points possible)
35. Minnie Mouse (Two points possible)
36. Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (Two points possible)
37. Mr. Smee (Two points possible)
38. Mulan (Two points possible)
39. Peter Pan (Two points possible)
40. Piglet (Two points possible)
41. Pinocchio (Two points possible)
42. Pluto (Two points possible)
43. Pocahontas (Two points possible)
44. Prince Charming (Two points possible)
45. Queen of Hearts (Four points possible) **
46. Rafiki (Two points possible)
47. Robin Hood (Four points possible) **
48. Snow Queen (Four points possible) **
49. Snow White (Two points possible)
50. Stitch (Two points possible)
51. Terk from Tarzan (Three points possible) *
52. Thumper (Two points possible)
53. Tigger (Two points possible)
54. Timon (Two points possible)
55. Tinker Bell (Two points possible)
56. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (Three points possible) *
57. Wendy (Three points possible) *
58. White Rabbit (Three points possible) *
59. Winnie the Pooh (Two points possible)
60. Woody (Two points possible)
Ride the Rides (all are THREE POINTS possible)
1. Animal Kingdom
b. Expedition Everest
c. Kali River Rapids
d. Kilimanjaro Safaris
e. Primeval Whirl
f. TriceraTop Spin
2. Epcot
a. Gran Fiesta Tour
b. Journey Into Imagination
c. Maelstrom
d. Mission: Space
e. Soarin’
f. Spaceship Earth
g. Test Track
3. Hollywood Studios
a. Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster
b. Studio Backlot Tour
c. The Great Movie Ride
d. Tower of Terror
4. Magic Kingdom
a. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
b. It’s A Small World
c. Jungle Cruise
d. Mad Tea Party
e. Peter Pan’s Flight
f. Pirates of the Caribbean
g. Snow White’s Scary Adventure
h. Space Mountain
i. Splash Mountain
j. The Barnstormer
k. The Haunted Mansion
l. The Magic Carpets of Aladdin
m. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Posted by Katie at 10:17 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
Packing List Take 1
So I know I have 80 something days to go until I leave for Disney. But, I'm hoping to get a job or go back to my old job before I leave…problem is I have way more time then I know what to do with but at some point I won't have the time to do all this thinking and preparing for Disney…the next thing I know I will be driving down to Florida..ahhhh! Ok so I wanted to make a list of possible things will need for Disney….. Okay so there's prolly some more stuff….put I can't think right now and I feel like I've been writing forever….
Thursday, February 18, 2010
So today in the mail I got a college letter, and a huge white envelope from DISNEY!
ok so my webcam color is really funny but the pics were still okay! I didn't think until after and I'
m too lazy to walk up stairs and get my purple folder...that I should have done a picture with my 3d glasses and my purple folder.
The 3d glasses came in my golder cause there's come Disney Triva game you can play after you get in that's in 3d. But don't leave the glasses on too long, they hurt your eyes...
Posted by Katie at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
For 91 days until I leave....
I changed the layout to my blog. I promised my bff's Stiych and Tigger...and that's what we've got!
Oh and I decided I'm going to complile a list or find a list of all the disney characters and see how many I can meet and get pictures
Posted by Katie at 4:04 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
3 Weeks means I'm in!!!!
Hello Blog are now offically looking at Disney College Programer Blog!!!
I offically recieved my email today at 11:18am. I am totally excited and stoked...and can't stop staring at my purple email as if it's moving or going to change! I figured I'd share it with you.
![]() |
From My Dream My Way! |
I will be doing Fall Advantage and arriving May 19th and departing January 7th. I'm going to do a vlog in a bit with more information and stuff!!!!
But YEA!!!
Posted by Katie at 12:40 PM 3 comments
I MADE IT TO 3 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would just like to announce that I have indeed made it to 3 weeks....
Dear Disney,
I would sincerly appreciate it if you would give me an answer soon, I've been being very patient but now it is starting to get a little lengthy in my wait....I know you said it could be 4-6 but I would still like to know already...
Love, Katie
Posted by Katie at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Day 20
So today is Day 20... and I'm actully writing it on Day 20 like during the So I can not believe tomorrow I will be waiting 3 weeks!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! ok. So that means I'm about 1 week away from the minimum maximum lol...does that make sence the minimum maximum wait is 4 weeks and the maximum maximum is 6 so I'm half way to the 6 week mark tomorrow. I'm really hoping to hear something this week sometime because it would be so So far today I got up at 9:30 yes 9:30 I'm really pusing myself to wake up a normal times....I made breakfast then watched Starstruck and was really upset because it cut off the end of the show SO I DONT KNOW THE END!!!!!!! So I'm recording it again tonight. It's on 6:30 to 8pm EST, but if you record it do like 6:30 to 8:05...just to be safe. lol. Ok so I think I'm gonna take a shower then maybe chill in the chat room...I'm gonna get over to the gym eventually and make some lunch at some point. Then tonights my T.V night I'll be watching The Secret Life of America Teenage, Cake Boss, Recording Make it Or Break It...and the end of Star Struck.
Now back to Starstruck I though the movie was really good but it's deffinately more of a chick flick. I got really into the music, so I downloaded the Yes I love disney movie soundtracks. Yea It's deffinately a bit of a love story with a few giggles...I would compare it to High School Musical the first one...some music, some performances, the guy whom want the everyday girl...and makes her cry....somewhat similar. But I really liked it. So go ahead and see it if you haven't
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
2 Weeks AGAIN!
So I know I posted what felt like yesterday but was really THIS morning. SO IF YOU'RE ALL NOT AWARE I REALLY LIKE TO USE THE CAP LOCK BUTTON. Now the reason for this is not for sarcasm but the fact that it much easy to go cap lock letter cap lock type 4 more letters caplock 1 more letter for my passwords to things....and typically forget to hit it and end up writting in all caps....but the THIS morning one was for emphasis.
So I wanted to write a quick blog about to day in which I acoplished absolutely NOTHING! and yes that was also for emphasis. After I finish this I'm going to get some ice cream for my family, then I have to do three resume, clean my room. I'm going to finsih cleaning my room tonight. And, hopefully go to bed at a normal time...or maybe not. I decided that with not having a job and going to school line, I've not been very productive with some things. So, I decided I wanted to come up with a new routine...which I have not done yet so maybe i'll do that tonight.
Finally, I heard ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FROM DISNEY TODAY. Some people go their second or third "thank you emails" today...I didn't hear about anyone getting their first. Some people go the DREADED pending letter saying they would hear by APRIL 30th. And, I got absolutely nothing! nothing, nothing, nothing....on the bright side I am anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 through my wait officially 4 mins ago. Cause my interview was January 26th, 2010 @ 8:15. lol.
Ok talk to you maybe again later...maybe I'll do a picture post..or not.
Posted by Katie at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
Dear People if you name is not DISNEY do not email me.
The title says it all.... But here's a picture for everyone.
This was taken somewhere in Disney I think in Epcot. But don't quote but I think it's adorable.
Posted by Katie at 3:58 PM 0 comments
A Pictures Worth A Million Words!
I easily could have posted another blog of just boring information that no ones really cares about. But this is something that I think is more fun, and I will definitely try to do often if I do the College Program (Thinking Very Purple TODAY!). Pretty much it's kind of like a photo blog if you will. These are some old photos from some of my first trips to Disney. Over the next few days or week or two, I’ll be posting them with some descriptions. To get inspired I started with some of my favorites!
I know this next one is not a great photo but I still really like it, It’s my brother and I in front of the nutcrackers….Now I know it was taken in Epcot and I know it some place in the world showcase…so it’s either Germany or Italy, and I’m leaning 60% Italy and 40% Germany!
This is another photo of my brother and I the smaller asturnut is me, and the larger is my brother. This was taken in MGM Studios now known as Hollywood Studios.
This next one I have quite the obsession with because there’s really nothing in the picture except eyeballs and tops of head! Can you guess where it was taken? If you said Splash Mountain the you’re right. The person taking my picture was my grandpa in the third row, My mom and dad in the next. And yes there’s my brother and I up front.
This one is one of my favorites. I believe this picture was take during February break. Which is something called Mid-Winter break it’s obviously after our Chirstmas break, and before April Break. A lot of people don’t have it and that’s why the parks weren’t to crowded! BEST TIME TO GO! In my opnion. So this is my mom, myself, and my brother in front of the castle.
Posted by Katie at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
11days...and it's 11:11
So today was my 11th day waiting....Talk about patience. lol.
So I did get a thank you email...last Friday the 29th. I did the survey and I have to say going through the interview process this time was much more pleasant. AND I like my interviewer. So It's almost Sunday but, I just wanted to make a post at 11:11 on the 11th day cause it seemed extra lucky. I hope...
So, besides apps nothing much has been going on in my life besides a whole lot of nothing. I know you're probably REALLY enjoying reading a blog I'm writing about nothing. I did though hang out with my one friend whom almost like a little sister last night. That was quite fun, her sister co-worker did the program so, my friend's older sister keeps telling me"If you get in you have to go, it'll be the best experience of your life." Supposedly her co-worker keeps telling her to remind me.
I;m excited the closer it gets to TUESDAY cause, that will be my two week mark which could either be 1/2 my wait or 1/3 of my wait... and that's very exciting. I really just want to know if I got in not necessarily if I get my top choice or my second choice or even my fifth. I just want to go! I know many of you feel the same way...I kind of feel like tomorrow I should wear my pajama's inside out and backwards.. maybe it'll work like when you do it for a snow day from school.
So anyways, have a good, safe, and magical rest of the weekend. And, be excited for the next week to come because that means chances at emails and the mail man. (My friend and I decided that they needed a system where you can text your mail man he'll text you a list everything that came in the mail! lol.)
Posted by Katie at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
So...I stole this from someone who stole it so that makes it alright.
Which movie is your favorite? The Little Mermaid and Cinderlla
Which movie has the best story? Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
Which movie did you laugh the most at? Beauty and the Beast
Which movie made you cry? Lion King
What is your favorite song from the movies? "A Whole New World"-Aladin
Which Disney movie probably shouldn’t have been made? Sleeping Beauty...I just don't get it.
Are you sick of the sequels? Umm...I like some of the sequals some not so much.
The Park
Have you ever been to Disneyland? No. :(
Have you ever been to Disney World? Yes 25 times and counting.
Have you been to any of the other Disney Parks around the world? Not yet.
Which park is the best? I hav this weird liking of Animal Kingdom. I just think it's an amazing place.
What’s your favorite ride? Splash Mountain All the Way
What’s your least favorite ride? The timekeeper
Who have you been to Disney with? My parents, brother, and grand father.
Would you go back? of course.
Did you get autographs and/or pictures with your favorite characters? yes
Which character is your favorite picture with? Tigger and Stitch
Would you ever work for Disney? Yes
Which is the best show at Disney? I don't have a favorite.
Which is the best restaurant? Tony's and Peco Bill
Which is the best hotel on Disney property? Contempary.
Posted by Katie at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Interview...
So just a few minutes ago I got of the phone with danielle my recruiter. She seemed very nice, I was really excited about the fact that I didn't have to answe the classic. Why do I want to work for disney? lol. But I totally made notes about why I wanted to work for disney.
So these are some of the questions I got asked. She also took the time to tell me that it normal to hear silence or typing in the background which I didn't know last time so it made me so much more relaxed and by the end it made me feel like I was having a conversation and not an interview.
-What my choice roles were.
-what was my favorite role.
-If I minded working outside,
-Why did a want to do the C.P.
-What I thought the role of a concierage was. (And I was honest and I really didn't know)
-Why I was intrested in Vacation planner.
-If i had experience with computers and cash handling.
-My past job good and bad things.
-If I've ever had a roommate how'd i handle it.
-disney look
And, just for the record the question I decided to ask was what are the possibilties of extending and she told be about possibly become full time, or part time, seasonl, and that there are interships available. In the past I've heard you can stay on a CP up to one year. But, she seemed to think that wasn't true unless you weren't advantage, Also said there's the option of summer alumni and stuff. And, everything depends on recruiting at the time. She also was like you never know maybe youll end up transfer schools down here. lol. Cause I was saying about how I had or or two semester left depend on how I did my class schedule like after this semester.
So anyways she said I'd be hearing back from us real soon after I asked the question but before that she said 4-6 weeks. And now the waiting begins. Oh and she had to confirm my email like 10 times. lol.
Posted by Katie at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
This is Never to be Shared with My Dad
So, I was playing the 20 Question Disney Style. And used Mickey Waffle and it came up as an answer. Which to me is really funny. So, I'd figure I'd share this story with you.
Now we have this huge inside family joke about Mickey Waffles, with I believe strawberries and ice cream. They were supposedly sold in Disney MGM Studio which is now DHS. I believe the year they disappeared was the year they changed the name.
Supposedly there was this place in between where the fountains/water around where the green dinosaur was that sold these mysterious dessert waffles if you will.My first trip to Disney was in July/August 1997 and my last was Chrsitmas 2004 over these years my dad ate these "waffles" everytime we went on Star Tours up until our last trip that is. We spent 24 of 25 trips hearing they exist, for at least half my mom didn't believe they existed either until one day she didn't want to go on star tours....let me say that from that day on she rode less often. Once my dad even kept the reciept to "prove there are mickey waffles."
Let's just back up a bit. I am 100% aware that if you get breakfast in disney you can get Mickey Waffle. In fact I've had a breakfast mickey waffle. But supposidly these are bigger and you get toppings on it and all this stuff.
So, on our last trip to disney my dad like fine I'll take you guys to get a mickey waffle so your stop saying I'm lying. Conveniently they had disappeared. So, to this day as far as I'm concerned the Mickey Waffle Stand does not exist.
Now I've been doing some research...and so far I've only found these reference to the Mickey Waffle...
"One snack you must have above all is a Mickey shaped Belgium waffle which can be found at any buffet or breakfast place. " Joe T.
But that says buffet or breakfast so obviously it's not my daddy's waffle.
"The Sleepy Hollow stand, tucked in a corner in Liberty Square, has funnel cakes and Mickey waffles, two guilty pleasures."
That's in Magic Kingdom. And, this was specifically MGM.
"I’ve always got to get a waffle from norway at EPCOT. warm waffles with strawberry jam. instant sugar coma, but so worth it."
That's in Epcot.
So, as of right now I'm STILL convinced there are no mickey waffles in MGM.
P.S. Good luck to everyone on there interview and application for the Fall 2010 Disney College Program I hope we all get in and have a great time.
Posted by Katie at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
10 things.....aka 10 picture
So I'm like totally bored and have nothing better to do. SO I took the idea of 10 things from the vlogs and made 10 pictures...ya. But I used my cell phone to take them so my cells not include but it's a verizon allias 2nd addition. that's the one that flips both ways.. But I didn't count it in my 10 cause it would have been hard to do. lol.
Picture Number 1
This is a picture of my wall. There the little stick on things for your wall and I absolutely love them. These are what made the theme for my room I have all different color butterflies and flowers.
Picture Number 2
These are my to very good friends Mikey the doll Full name Micheal Jazzy...I was really into Jasmine from aladin when I was little but my doll was distinctively decided to be a boy. Better yet you had to figure out if his name of the day was Jazzy or Mikey or Michael.
P.S. the monkey is my dance monkey he holds two of my ribbon and a metal and his names Petey.
Picture Number 3
This is my door shoe holder that does not hold shoes. It holds stuff and I will hopefully have something like this in Disney if my roommate doesn't object. Oh and my leis. I'll probably bring one of them too. It was from one of my old room themes but they still fit in this room.
Picture Number 4
Milk Crates!!!!In bright colors. I use them for my hoodies cause I technically don't have a closet in my room. My closets the coat closet so it's not really convenient.
Picture Number 5
My television. I absolutely love my television. I bought it all by myself.
Picture Number 6
This is my butterfly binder. I use it to hold scrapbook stuff. I want to make one like this for disney. Disney style though.
Picture Number 7
My coin sorter. Each of them have a name on them. I got it for Christmas I really wanted a change counter but my mom found this and it's 10 times better.
Picture Number 8
IPOD ALARM CLOCK!!!! It eats the i pod and is absolutely amazing. Plays great quality of music. Oh and it has two alarm setting so theoretically if I bring this to disney we wouldn't need to alarm clock. And the beeping is so can wake up to music to if you want to...and you can beep one and music the other.
Picture Number 9
My DVD. I like DVD cause I'm as bad as a two year old and can watch the same movie 50 times and it doesn't bother me....actually it tends to put me to sleep.
Picture Number 10
My pillows. I have 1 body pillow, 4 regulrs, 2 queen, and 1 kings pillow, and one reading pillow. I can guarantee I will have several pillows. My other sleep requirements is that my beds next to a wall.
Well that's 10 things in my room. Hope you enjoyed.
Posted by Katie at 10:31 PM 0 comments
So my interview is scheduled for 8:30PM on Tuesday night. And, i am really excited that I got a night time time because that is so much better for me then mornings which is what I had last time.
Posted by Katie at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Posted by Katie at 3:06 PM 0 comments